Buco PJ27 1950s Vintage Horsehide Highway Patrol Motorcycle Jacket

Buco, Beck, Leathertogs, Trojan Vintage Jackets Made In USA

Buco J23, PJ27, J24, J100,Motorcycle Jackets Lost Worlds

Buco PJ27 Horsehide Leather Motorcycle Jacket

Buco PJ27 Vintage Horsehide Black Leather Highway Patrol Motorcycle Jacket




Leather Motorcycle Flight Jackets Horsehide Safari Hunting Vintage Cowboy Shirts, �2005LOST WORLDS INC.

Genuine American Black Horsehide Leather

Sizes 38-48 Regular

Buco PJ27/J23/Trojan Optional Horsehide Belt

(w/ Jacket Purchase)



The PJ27, one of the highly sought after Buco brand designs of the defunct Joseph Buegeleisen Company of Detroit, a longtime and leading postwar motorcycle and police equipment manufacturer. Originally for highway patrol applications, with oversized chest pocket and badge mount. Now, of course, for anyone who rides or wants an extraordinary vintage jacket design that drips individuality. Anyone who covets performance, quality, durability, originality and beauty. (Unless, of course, it's important to have an embossed logo on the back and a "Made Where It's Cheapest" non-USA tag! In which case you've stumbled on the wrong website.)

The Buco PJ27 is yet another incredible LOST WORLDS classic recreation of a horsehide classic known but to a few ardent collectors and old-timers who've been there. Consider the detailing above, the cut and profile, the dramatic sense emanated by workmanship and accuracy of pattern. From time to time we're asked why we don't "model" our jackets with "real," "live" people.  LOST WORLDS jackets exude so much presence, are so pure and unadorned, that the usual marketing cliches and cookie cutter conformity would only contaminate. Our customers aren't the sort who need silly posed attitudes of unshaven hipster bravado. Consult the idiot tube or your phone for cheap thrills. The jackets are the thing. The superfluous is best left to others, to those who must have the hype and plastic image-building. And plastic jackets. Remember, ID tags are usually enclosed in plastic. A metaphor for current society? Plastic won't buffet you from serious injury in a road spill as we hear over and over LOST WORLDS jackets doing, to the amazement of our customers and our deepest gratification. This is, after all, what we do. Our jackets are equipment, not fashion, performance is primary. Back then, in the heyday of classic motorcycle jackets, form and function were indivisible. So with ours, religiously.


Built to take punishment, destined itself to be an heirloom one day. Amazing craftsmanship without equal anywhere, lessons in the lost art of American build quality. And built, of course, in our heavyweight Chrome-Tanned, Drum-Dyed Horsehide Leather, as the originals were, everything made at our NYC factory. 


Horsehide was always the hide of choice in the old days because it's one of the toughest hides extant but, when broken in to a soft, buttery hand (a rapid process -- wear it and wear it in the rain), never diminishes in strength. On the bike, legendary for shock absorption and abrasion resistance, both qualities absolutely essential in an accident or spill. Infection from road rash is one of the great risks of motorcycle mishap.


Those who know, know the proper jacket is an essential component of the riding experience. Just as with mechanical components, price is relative to what you need and what you get. LOST WORLDS jackets are bargains.


Are they cheap? It depends how you define cheap. If a jacket keeps you from serious injury in an accident, it's cheap at any price. If some logo-happy, plasticky poseur doesn't, well, you, or the nurse, do the arithmetic.



100% Pure Nylon Quilted Satin Lining

 Cotton Drill Sleeve Interlining

NOS Brass Talon or Scovill Front Zipper and Pocket Zippers


 All-American in production and materials, as it was and as it should be. Quality in itself an education. What other clothing enriches one's knowledge and appreciation of what America was -- and what, alas, can never be again? Well, let's try to enjoy the deluge.


"Got the jackets. Both are awesome .Your workmanship is spectacular. Fit is perfect. Thanks again."
Escondido CA

Buco PJ27 Black Horsehide
 shown with Optional Horsehide Belt



BUCO PJ27, Variant Configuration

BUCO PJ27, Rear, Variant Configuration

Custom Russet Horsehide Buco PJ27












Option: Original NOS 1950s Military Talon #7 or Conmar Brass Zipper for above
Original NOS 1950s Conmar #5 Brass Pocket Zippers for above
$35.00 each.





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